For nearly two decades, PRS artist Dave Knudson has been strumming and pedal stomping for Seattle-based indie rock band Minus The Bear. The band's sound is thick and experimental with Dave's unique guitar textures at the forefront. The band released their latest full length album, VOIDS in early March 2017.
5 минут с Дэйв Надсон
PRS: Do you use pedals in your rig or play straight into the amp?
DK: Haha, is this a joke question? Anyone that’s seen Minus the Bear play knows that I have a pretty large pedalboard that I kind of use as its own instrument. I have a slew of sampling and looping pedals so I can create riffs that wouldn’t be able to be played on the guitar. Backwards, double time, stutter-y retriggering—I love trying to make my guitar sound like anything but a guitar. I’m a sucker for clean boosts, delays, harmonizers—the whole shebang.
PRS: What’s your favorite song to play live and why?
DK: “Knights” from Planet of Ice is a really fun one for some of the reasons above. The main riff is made up of two samples that I re-trigger in time with the music. Plus it has a pretty fun lead part where I get to go wild and have fun with the crowd. I’ve got to say that “Invisible” off of our new LP, VOIDS, is another really fun one. Lots of energetic tapping riffs and a great sing-a-long chorus that the crowd really gets into.
PRS: What’s your greatest moment / biggest goof on stage?
DK: From a fanboy perspective, one of my favorite moments was playing in Hawaii a few years ago and having Kirk from Metallica watching us from the side stage balcony. He was a super sweet guy, I hope I didn’t freak him out with my excitement… There have been tons of great shows and festivals, Bonnaroo being one of my faves.
PRS: What inspires a new song idea and how do you jot it down?
DK: Normally the idea for a song will come when I’m just sitting around dinking around casually with a guitar. Sometimes my fingers get some mojo and I just run with it. Write the main riff and expand on it from there. I really enjoy writing without an amp on an electric or semi-hollow body when the song is being created. If it sounds great like that it can only get better when you plug in and start adding effects and volume.
PRS: What aspects of your S2 guitar drew you to it?
DK: It’s no secret I’m a massive PRS lover. The new LP was recorded almost entirely on my McCarty Goldtop and Custom 24. The S2 series guitars are great weapons live for me. They’re light but retain all the great tone of the other models and I especially love the look and shape of the Mira. I’ll have my white S2 Mira with me on this tour and it’ll be a workhorse.